Monday, April 25, 2011

I Transformed into a Commander

Begin Transmission.

I feel like it's time to explain my name.
Truly, it's not really a funny story or anything like that.
It just happened.
And it was a choice between Commander Curtis and Hannah Montana.
No self respecting female should want her nickname to make people think of HER.

Umm, NO. I'll take the random, boyish name of Curtis Flynn.

So I went on a mission trip to Ukraine last summer.
It was awesome.
And on the way up there, the flights were crazy! If you are flying east overseas, it sucks so bad. The time messes you up! Night was only a few hours for us, and it didn't help that the airplane was jam packed and the seats in front of me squished my knees. So we made it to Kiev after like 12 agonizing hours, and I was exhausted. Technically, we'd been flying for a whole day, even though in reality it was only half that. So we're sitting at a table in the crowded Kiev Airport, and I lay my head down. I wake up over an hour later feeling refreshed, but for some reason, my friends Trey and Stirling were calling me Curtis.
Then they went on to call me Captain Curtis.
And THEN they started calling me Commander Curtis, saying I was better than a Captain.
And it stuck. I am Commander Curtis. 
Stirling. We got him a shirt that says, "100% Manly" in Russian. Inside joke, I guess.

But the kids at the camp we were serving at never caught on to Curtis. 
They only knew of Hannah Montana.
But I didn't complain cause I loved them and they were epically awesome.
But Trey, Stirling, Sarah, and Margo never gave it up.
And so, almost a year later, I am still randomly called Curtis.
It kinda grew on me.
And so that's the tale of my name.
I warned you, it wasn't really all that interesting.

Me and Margo at Gorney.

End Transmission.

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