Sunday, April 10, 2011


Begin Transmission.
Jessica Threet, sophomore, theater major.

I went and saw Metamorphoses today.
It's a play that my University performed.
Seriously, if a local university, theater group, or traveling performers ever do a showing of this nearby, go see it. However, in the words of one of my dear friends
"It is not a family film."
At one point, one guy was nearly naked. The only thing covering his junk was a golden  cloth that was held in place by a tiny bit of nude-colored fabric. 
But aside from the near-nakedness, there was a bit of cussing and drunkenness, so don't take your impressionable children to see this play, or they'll go running around half naked screaming curse words. 
Hire a baby-sitter.

It was the perfect mix of funny, romance, and suspense.
A few bits were really surprising, and you could tell it was written in the modern day, because at one point, one of the Greek Chorus girls yelled out, "Oh no he didn't!" 

So the play itself is based on Ovid's poem, Metamorphoses, and is a series of myths.
There's the myths of King Midas, Erysichthon, Orpheus, a quick glimpse of Narcissus, 
Pomona and Vertumnus, Eros and Psyche (my personal favorite), and more. 

Some were funny, like Pomona and Vertumnus. The guy who played Vertumnas was adorable and childlike, and made little jokes.
Others were sad, like King Midas, who turned his daughter to gold.
Some were pretty weird, like Myrrha, who lusted after her own father.
Some were meant to be serious but were kinda funny, like Erysichthon. He chopped down a tree and was cursed by a Goddess to be taken over by Hunger. The part that was funny was that Hunger was a girl dressed in purple tights with matted black hair and dirt on her face. She clung to Erysichthon, sometimes on his back, sometimes clinging to his side. Once she was even around his neck.
Eros and Psyche was my favorite, partly because I am friends with the guy playing Eros. He's really cool, but very awkward, and he was the guy wearing the golden cloth over his junk. 
It took all my strength not to bust out laughing.
But this story was serious, and once I gained control over the threat of my laughter, I was left in a feeling of awe. It was a romantic scene cause  Psyche wasn't allowed to see Eros so she believed him to be a monster, but she snuck up on him while he was asleep and burned him with candle wax on accident. He wakes, she runs in shame, but they fall in love. 
It was uber sweet.
So if you ever hear of a showing of Metamorphoses near where you live, GO! 
It's a wonderful story filled with so many emotions.
And there's a pool on stage!
I mean, seriously, how cool is that?

"Let me die the moment my love dies. Let me not outlive my own capacity to love. Let me 
die still loving, and so, never die."

End Transmission.

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